zaterdag 3 oktober 2009

University: How is it going?

Well, it's been an administrative hell to begin with. The University of Amsterdam demands that you deliver a special copy of yout diploma before the start of the school year - 1 September. Well, I received my diploma on the 23rd of September so you can probably guess what kind of hassle it was.

Out of courtesy, at least that is what they think, you can the copy at the end of September. Well, only the goverment can make this special copy and my school didn't deliver one so I was !*%&ed. I just send a normal copy of my diploma but they informed me by telephone that I was too late and that the subscribtion will be valided at the end of October. Strangely I received a mail the next day of the University that I was succesfully described. Really, what were they thinking!!

As we are starting on the 6th week now, University is not hard but so much too cope with. I only follow three courses (Information Management, Organisatio Science and Statistics) at the moment but have probably read over a 1000 pages by now. The worst course is Statistics. It has become unreachable for me, it's depressing. I don't understand anything of it. But I can't give up: Keep on Pushing!!

I have a mixed class; some student are full fledged university studenst who don't know anything about the business life while other students have had four years of practical teaching like myself.

University is not enjoying and as for now it doesn't add any value to what I know but who know's: You have to bite the dust before you can sit in the office chair..



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