New XBOX 360 E
This is baffling. Just how many models to you want to release of the same console?! Oke, let's be fair. The models clearly have improved over the years so big points there. However, shouldn't a console be good already when released?! The Red Ring of Death was a disaster even hunting owners of the second model, the Elite, and I'm one of those victims.
And what does this model actually really add? It's a bit smaller, that's it. Most likely the profit is within producing it, cheaper than the other models. But who is going to buy a new XBOX 360 E? I think we can safely say that gamers who want a 360 already have one.
Selling games
I actually have to say, unnecessary punishment brought upon thy self. The issue at hand; The games you buy will be linked to your account, if you want to sell it, you can only sell it through Microsoft selected vendors. Added value, Microsoft or the publisher can charge the full price for the game over and over again. I won't blame them for trying to make money in the second hand market, but it's a second hand market for a reason. I bought second hand games for a single and simple reason; I don't find a lot of games worth € 60. Then there are a lot of people who can't afford to buy all the games for the full price!
We've seen EA Sports and Activision do it already on the present consoles, adding a registration code to the game. How I completely disagree with this construction it was somehow acceptable because FIFA and Call of Duty are prime titles. Not many people would sell the game.
The problems lies within the fact that Microsoft is doing it for every game released on the XBOX One. This doesn't sit well with gamers. Sony isn't forcing it on every game but will support publishers who want to do so. And that is where the unnecessary punishing comes along. You were already supporting it on the 360, no need to force it. Now Microsoft have forced their hand and have to pay the price for it, while Sony is eating extra sushi
This will also offer a problem for retailers. For example, you buy a game but you are not happy with and want to return it the next day. Mmm, the game is linked to your account, you can only de-link it online but how does the retailer know that you really have done so?
Lending games
You are only able to lend your games to friends who are in your list for at least 30 days or within your family, some kind of family package will be offered. Why? Where is the added value for the gamer? None, again only for Microsoft. Do I borrow or lend a lot of games? No, I don't. But in that respect how representable am I for the younger audience? The console is expensive enough, buying all those games for the full price is just too much. That is where the borrowing/lending games between kids comes in play. Plus there will be a lot of people (18+) who most likely do it too. Microsoft, this is silly.
24 Hourly online check
Oh my god! All those movies and news articles considering collecting information and spying on people weren't enough to warn those people at Microsoft? Be recognized? Ye right, having the Kinect to be on isn't helping either. The thought alone is frighting and creeps people out, not even considering which benefits it could bring. Oh wait, there are none. Again, only for Microsoft. It will make piracy even more difficult to prevail, and for that hey, I completely understand. But then again, there are others way. Either way you cut it, hackers will mod the 24 hourly check.
The effect of this measure is that your console must be connected to the internet when you play game, even single player games. Optimists and Microsoft say: Hey if you buy the console, you also have internet so what's the problem? True, let's be honest, you don't buy a €400 and can't afford a internet connection. However, not the problem at hand. There are people out there who don't have solid broadband connection due to the region, it doesn't weigh up.
Thinking about a vacation, cabin in the woods with friends XBOX One? Or to family in South America who don't have internet? Forget it, no XBOX One for you to take along.
Microsoft argues that, in this way, they are able to push updates to the console and it enhance playing with the cloud. Huh, oke, but you can push the update the moment I turn on my console, right? Like you are doing now with the 360? Second, is my console going to process update when it comes in? It's 3 AM and my XBOX One start lighting up processing the update? No, thank you. Again, it doesn't weigh up. oh almost forgot, what when the XBOX One isn't supported anymore? Yep, can't play anymore. Well, luckily I can still play Ninja Gaiden Black on the first one.
Rounding it up
The funny thing is, nobody gets it. It is almost like they want all the bad publicity. It is just a shame. Microsoft hasn't been the most popular company in the last decade; Windows Vista & 8 and Windows Mobile have been struck down with lightning. The XBOX line was the only positive thing they had, and make no mistake I own both the XBOX and XBOX 360, still enjoying the latter to this day. But this weird wind which is blowing in the Microsoft organisation isn't doing me any good. Even though my choice is now for Playstation 4, I always wait a good one and an half year before buying a new console. We can be certain that for both consoles a new model will be introduced so why not wait? I also think that Microsoft is still trying to figure out how they are going to solve all the quirky things.
Gamers are no fools and Microsoft should be aware of it. Gamers care about games and are not happy with all kind of limitis and obligations which are not beneficial for actually playing games. It is understandable that Microsoft wants to earn more money, the more profit the better. However, if measures are limiting for the users, think twice. Microsoft does't have a monopoly position in the game market and as the exclusive game for consoles are dying slowly, picking up a PS4 for a cheaper price is luring.
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